It’s not the NRA’s money; it’s the NRA’s voters

Nathaniel Stinnett
2 min readFeb 15, 2018

The NRA actually spends a pittance (in campaign terms) on supporting candidates (both directly and through PACs).

The NRA’s real power is that their people vote.

Take it from someone whose job it is to study people’s voting habits and how best to impact them — people who care about gun rights vote in local, state, federal, special, primary, and general elections. They vote like it’s their job.

Why is it important to understand this?

  1. You are not powerless. We don’t need to shut down the NRA to succeed. We just need to VOTE. In every election. We have the numbers…just not on Election Day.
  2. Politicians go where the votes are. Nothing motivates a politician more than the prospect of winning an election. And, yes, this goes for people in deep blue and deep red states too — there is such a broad spectrum of local, state, and federal gun laws that EVERY state can do better…but voters need to force them to.
  3. Yes, hug your kids. Yes, feel rage and despair. But also understand that it takes the average American 20 minutes to vote…which is probably equal to the amount of time all of us will spend raging and despairing today.

And, finally…if you stay home next Election Day, understand that you’re actually part of our nation’s gun violence problem.

Only 44% of registered voters showed up for the 2014 midterm elections.

Don’t let that happen again on November 6, 2018…because the NRA members will sure as hell be voting.

Nathaniel Stinnett is Founder & Executive Director of the Environmental Voter Project. These opinions are his own, and do not reflect those of his employer.



Nathaniel Stinnett

Founder & Executive Director of the Environmental Voter Project